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Rediscovering the Meaning and Purpose of Business

"You will either step forward into growth or will step back into safety."- Abraham Maslow

Are you in business? Many do not get the answer the first time.

See if your answer ticks all the boxes.

In mentoring subordinates in our multi million dollar education  business i mainly help them to redefine certain terminologies to themselves. 

Because your definition will determine the steps you take every moment and the results you add to the company and your personal life.

 The term "business" is one of them. 

To state it point blank, if you have someone willing to pay you voluntarily for the work you do,  products you produce,  or service you provide, then you’re in business.

Let's zoom in a bit. The company that drops salary every four weeks in your account is not your employer; they are your customer.

 The clients/customers of the company you work for are not your customers; your employer is your customer because he buys your service(skill ).

Many will read but few will get it.

You are a businessman /woman with only one customer, your employer. 

Your product/service you trade is your skill.

would you not desire to have the best product/service on the market? 

Think about this, 7.7 billion people on planet earth each wear one of two glasses.

1. The Solitary survivalist;  Views people as competitors and threats.

People >> threat. 

 Like cain in the bible they think that fewer people translate into more opportunities for them. Thus  "before i enter a market, other people must come out". "Otherwise i don't enter at all". 

2. The business professional : Sees other people as beings with infinite desires that crave for fulfillment.

So more people means more desires. 


He is INTRICATELY concerned that ONLY if PEOPLE are happy and fulfilled will he be profitable. 

Intricate >>people >>fulfillment>>profit.

The result is preoccupation with 

1. providing goods or services at sufficient quality and 

2. at an attractive price

3.  sometimes free 

Here is the thing; "Your fellow man’s innate DESIRE for more is what makes it possible for your own life to function as smoothly as it does"- Rabbi Daniel Lapin.

Meeting the innate desire of other people is the foundation for WORK(Business) on earth. That’s what drives progress in the world and is God’s will. 

Adopt this mindset and everything changes. 

To accelerate your impact in businesses you may need to enhance your skill to keep it more useful in meeting the needs of others such that they will be will to exchange money for it.

Money is the quantification of the frequency and amount of desires you meet among other people. 

 Here is my advice for you.

You don’t need to invent anything new. 

Think of yet another useful way to blend,  mix,  combine,  or connect two or more existing things or ideas in your industry or any other. Experiment and master it.

This can move you from one customer maybe your employer to tens, hundreds, thousands and millions others.

Only through meeting the needs of God"s other children will you find your own fufilment.


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