"Everything you want is on the other side of fear". - Jack Canfield.
Whats life like? An image or a video?
Images do not provide all the details compared to a video. Life is accurately depicted as a video. So think of your life as a movie.
The world is in a state of flux and constant motion.
King Solomon coins that beautifully as times and seasons for everything under the sun.
This makes natural disasters, life & death, profit & loss, high and low customer demand, repetition & promotion, war & peace, expansion & contraction following & leadership and change in consumer taste possible.
The business professional must hope for the best but expect the worse in looking to increase customers & grow their brand or business.
The employee should ponder over these questions;
What if I get replaced in my office the next day?
What if i have to work under and get supervised by my immediate subordinate at the office?
What if I get transferred far away after haven served at the branch all my life?
What if my activities at the office get automated and added to the task of the administrative officer?
What if new conditions put my level of Job security in a big dilemma?
You think of this questions not because you don't have faith but because you need to survive the test of your faith to stay in charge and make your life's story beautiful.
Sudden and least expected shifts put peoples' positions and businesses at risk.
It arouses fear and feeling of overwhelm. Fear is more dangerous than the cause itself.
Breakthrough with your life's brand or business depends on how well you understand and manage sudden changes.
There is ancient and proven wisdom to turn to in times like this. It was used by Moses to counsel his successor Joshua in an emotional and challenging moment of passing on the torch of leadership in their nation's history.
Moses said to Joshua "Be strong and of good courage"
Let's unpack this concise but loaded statement.
The desire of everyone is to emerge from changes stronger and stable.
Strength: Strength is the mental muscle needed for survival during such times.
How much do you compare in creative, people, emotional and personal skill and dynamism with your industry average?
Whats the size of your weapon for the battle?
An army must have the right weapons for a certain battle. That is your strength. Strength is the first condition for survival.
Gaining strength is a matter of strategy.
Lets do this, take a stock of your ability to handle the situation. Do you have what it takes? Develop the necessary strength to cope with the change if need be.
An army can have the military strength to attack but never does. They can choose a path of appeasement and suffering will follow them.
Courage: Gaining strength is a matter of strategy but courage is more complicated. It's developing the will power and fortitude to use your strength.
There are three steps to develop courage.
1. Analyze the problem.
A problem does not come alone. It comes in a batch which makes us feel overwhelmed.
It appears like a huge brick wall right in front of us. If you raise your eyeballs to think about it you feel overwhelmed and anxious.
What you need to do is to pull out the blocks one after the other and analyze every one of them.
If it's possible you can analyze it simultaneously.
Use a pen and paper or journal for this activity.
Capture an all inclusive heading for the situation.
For example "start my own business",
List as many sub strands as possible to the situation.
What factors or conditions build up the situation?
Look inside yourself because the only one you can change in this is you.
Being proactive helps you release the energy to change your personal circumstance.
Proactive people control their environment. Reactive people are controlled by their environment.
Based on the examplified problem the sub strands maybe; market research, business fit test (Does the business idea fit your personality?), capital, registration, promotion, storage, personnel development etc. These are the things that collectively overwhelm you.
After pulling out each of them you have the ease of analyzing them individually. This is much easier.
Have a meeting with yourself and brainstorm on the ways of dealing with each of the components of the larger problem.
2. Realize that cowardice is contagious.
Fear is a default response of man to a problem. Genetically we are programed to move away from pain towards pleasure. Thats necessary for our survival from danger.
However you must learn to develop the right response for things that lead to your growth. Not every object of fear is a misfortune.
You must deliberately choose the path of courage not cowardice.
Cowardice is contagious; In a battle field a soldier is not permitted to retreat from an attack without the instruction of his commanding officer.
It will prevent infecting the battalion with fear which will ultimately lead to their defeat.
The fact of the matter is that, when you stay around cowards you become one if you were not.
Cowards talk people out of their boldness and courage.
They transform lions into sheep.
Avoid people, books, newsfeeds etc that make you a sheep out of a lion.
In the same way courage is contagious. You become more courageous the more you align yourself with people, books,podcasts, newsfeeds, videos etc that feed your courage, hope and positivity.
That's how to develop fortitude and courage to use your strength.
3. Adopt a new mantra-self talk.
Apart from the right association, You must learn to communicate the words of courage to yourself.
Let it wash you over and over. "Be strong and of good courage".
Replace negative self talk with the phrase.
Meditate upon the meaning and cenarios of strength and courage always.
People who make things happen during though times equally experience some amount of fear but they do not allow it to stand on their way.
They learn to access courage to make things happen.
"Scary, Inevitable change is constant. But courage becomes constant with exercise and regular use"- Daniel Lapin
In 1942 Adolf Hitler the leader of Germany invaded Soviet Union (Russia) for the second time and tried to capture an important city called stalligard.
Both Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin (leader of Russia) were good Commanders. Apparently each had met his match.
The German forces were under the command of General Paulus.
Stallin issued an order to his troops which was "Not one step back!!" Which means everyone will fight to his death.
Strength >> Courage >analyze >association>internal dialogue.
Let this be yourself talk. "Not one step back!!"
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