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"You Can't Teach New Tricks to an Old Dog"- A Billionaire's Advise for Financial Freedom.

Don't teach pigs to sing. It wastes your time. And it annoys the pigs." Rich Dad.

Labour agitations and disputes is the thorn in the flesh of world economies today.  Developing countries have been top of the list for centuries. The same can be said today of developed and much bigger economies.

In days of old a university degree was a guarantee for financial freedom and career fulfillment. The reverse may be true today. More than ever graduates including top performers have lost confidence is the system's ability to reward their hardwork and intelligence quotient. 

 Few days ago a participant in a learning group asked what else she could do with her math degree apart from teaching. 
Like this professional many people are beginning to ask "what else can i do with my degree because my wages are barely able to cover my basic needs, I work to service debts instead of securing my family's future, I desire earnestly and desperately to get unstack from my financial and career predicaments, I desperately need an upgrade over my present life." 

These are but the genuine heartfelt cry of an average employee  today.
This happenings is an expression of the desire of the authentic self to achieve a proportionate reward for his talents and efforts and to leave an impression in the world  that says to generations yet to come " I was here." 

The  options of job promotion, much higher degrees, career switch and work incentives help some but barely satisfy the souls of many in our society. 

The average person feels the urge for activities that best engages their natural abilities in exchange for better compensation. 

A vacuum is created where there is a mismatch between the two variables.
A perfect much is the key that unlocks the door to job or career fufilment, business success and  financial freedom. 

In this article we are going to examine a perspective you may find counterintuitive  and practical for advancing towards a more  fulfilling business and financially free life. 

Knowing your class in real life. 

Many are aware of their class or position on the organisational chart or college degree but few are aware of their class in real life.  Their class in relation to the ability to make wealth. 
This concept is alien to most cultures since it's hardly thought in school. 
However a professional has a narrow chance of success and fulfilment if he has gaps in his understanding of the subject of wealth.

"Money" says Rabbi Daniel Lapin "is God's incentive for serving his other children "
Your service to humanity may be measured by the amount of money you attract and control legitmately. 

Therefore knowing how to attract wealth opens doors for effective business growth, career fulfilment and advancement of social  justice.

This is the philosophy behind the cash flow quadrant. 

Everyone irrespective of age, gender, race, faith, academic qualification or profession falls under a real life classroom known according to Robert Kiyosaki as the cashflow quadrant which is illustrated above. 

Majority of people are concious of where they are in their career, certificate or influence. This is a conventional consciousness which must be submitted for a different point of view if real difference needs to be made.  

Quadrant 1 - Employee 

 Everyone who starts a professional life is enrolled into the E quadrant of the Kiyosaki's school of thought.  
Thats our first official position from which we draw our salaries.  

The job may be a dream one or a stepping stone but the baseline is that you are been paid by your employer to work for him/her.
Circumstances in the first classroom of real life often reveals two kinds of persons; The job security and freedom conscious employees.

Employees who are security conscious are committed to full time and a more stable job especially under the goverment where there are extremely low labour turn over.
 Some employees may find their passion in their job resulting from a match between their expenses and earnings working as employees. 

On the other hand, the vast majority of employees are unsatisfied with their remuneration. Their inflows do not cover their expenses so they borrow to bridge the gap. They feel underpaid by their employers. 
Their payslips are filled with deductions with abysmal bottom lines.

Most E- quadrant citizens are at the mercy of the pension system. During retirement their allowance is insufficient for them.

Majority of retirees are compelled to take up low paying jobs to generate additional income to supplement their meager pension allowance.  
Employees  work the most hardest, are paid the least and pay the most taxes.

If this doesn't sound good to you then you belong to the group on the flip side within the E quadrant. 
The ones who place freedom over job security. Those who are eager to remove the restrictions on their earnings. 

They value freedom over job security. 
 Such people have a higher chance for business success, wide scale impact and financial freedom.   
Being under employment may feel like a bird in cage scenario. When you break out you have limitless path of greatness at your disposal. 

Not everyone is interested in breaking out of the cage. In that case this article is not for you. 
If you are however in search of personal freedom, finanancial freedom and business success then you are starting on the right foot.

Quadrant 2 - Self - Employed

Next to the E quadrant is the S, the class of the Self employed. When you decide to make a living from running your own small business, you are on the path to  Self employment. Majority of entrepreneurs are small business owners and are self employed. They are those who could not keep up with the life in a job. In response they took steps to move to the S class of real life by becoming Self-employed. 

The dream of most entrepneurs is to scale up their small business into mega entities listed on the stock exchange market. 

Quadrant 3 - Business Owners 

The third quadrant is a class of Big Business owners. It's called the B quadrant. Above anything else It requires a unique level of financial intelligence.

Quadrant 4 - Investors 

A decision to grow the portfolio and invest in other firms will require the intelligence and actions of Quadrant I. These are the most financially intelligent class. Their money works to generate passive income for them in unimaginable compounding rates. 

The S, B and I quadrants provide a progressive level of satisfaction to those who choose to exit the E quadrant.
These means there is hope for the dissatisfied employee.

The goal must be to learn to work less and earn more through the power of financial intelligence.

"Your financial statement is your real life report card." -Robert Kiyosaki 

Context vrs content - The definitive factors 

Two words that distinguish individuals from  each of the four groups is their"Content" and "Context" 
As we have learnt up to this point, Each quadrant is a classroom with unique "Content" and "Context" framework for operational success. 

To move to the next quadrant you must adopt and internalize the content and context of that quadrant. 
"We can't solve problems ", says Albert Einstein "the same level where it was created"

To advance means to embrace a new content which requires a new context.
Let me explain this further. Lets visualize Content as the substance i.e water and context as the container i.e glass. 
The container comes before the substance.
Without the right context the content for S, B and I will be too heavy to grasp.

The context again is like a mould and content is the cast. You need the right mould to generate or produce the desired cast.
The early years of life provides the window for learning the context of business and financial freedom. Unfortunately the concept of employment and salary is sold to us with much aggression by the system at a much younger stage of our development. 

During the professional stage of life when reality of financial freedom hits, it exposes our weakness on the subject.
That's when people realize the missing piece in their understanding of wealth creation and financial freedom. 

What's worse is that every attempt to pick up the real stuff is resisted by the consciousness of risk and security. It acts as a self sabotage to our own freedom. 
This is a crisis of context, a necessity  for navigating  the cashflow quadrants easily. 
The danger is that the consciousness programs us to fight every thought of freedom and keep us tied to the office desk till retirement. This reminds me; "Don't teach pigs to sing. It wastes your time. And it annoys the pigs." Rich Dad.

Much of information the system churns out is content. This poses a higher challenge. You need the right context to determine and absorb the right information for the next quadrant. 
To put this in perspective the context of an employee is different from the context of an employer. Their understanding and language about wealth is different. 
An excellent employee may still remain poor if he has a poor context of wealth. 
This may explain why most hard working and intelligent employees struggle so hard to break their 9am to 5pm cycle to no avail.

Difference between the poor and the rich

 B and I quadrant entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Robert Kiyosaki understand that if you want to operate in a certain quadrant you need to possess the ideal context and content.
"You cannot teach a poor person to be rich", says Roberts Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, until they change their context". "Teaching a person with poor or middle class person's context is a waste of time...and it does annoys them." He said. 

Mindset is important for absorbing the ideal context. This goes to imply that a positive mindset is not all there is to obtaining the context of a successful business or financially free life. 
Its easy to change your mindset but context runs deeper. It's your core, your body mind and spirit. 
While mindset can be changed easily, context takes time, energy, conscious and unconscious efforts especially when the concepts were not picked up during the crucial windows of learning. 

Context is a complex program that requires every fibre of your body to install and operate. 
A person's context is an aggregate of their; Philosophies, Beliefs, Thoughts, Rules, Values, Fears Doubts, attitudes and Choices. 
These components are expressed in your words(spoken or internal-dialogue), decisions, actions, priorities, acquaintances, expenditures etc.

Think for a moment about every one of the components of a person's context. 

According to Robert Kiyosaki in his book "Why A student's work for C students",  a poor person from E quadrant may reveal his  context through inner or outer statements like;
"I'll never be rich."
"The rich will not go to heaven "
"I'd rather be happy"
"Money is not important to me"
"I need a high paying job "
"I must get a good education "

This kind of self talk and expression coupled with their choices, fears, etc limits a tendency to receive or make sense of any advice in the subject of financial freedom and business success.  This is so because they are not wired to grasp the content. 
The reason people cannot advance from quadrant E even  if they develop the desire is because of their poor context. 

An example of statements that expresses the context of an entrepreneur or employer might include; 
"Freedom is more important than security "
"I must be rich"
"I want to find out how far I can go in life"
"I own my own business and my work is my life" 
As a result they think, talk and act differently both from the deeper level and expressedly to make things happen. 

It must be noted that these are not positive confessions that is said every morning. They are concrete, deeply engraved facts of their body and soul which may have been transmitted during the various windows of learning in their growth process. 

This explains why people from rich backgrounds may be better prepared to make or manage wealth compared to their counterparts from poor backgrounds where real life finanancial education is not experienced. "The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer "

Alternatively people may adopted the right context for wealth creation through a deliberate process of re education towards their financial freedom and the B and I quadrant life.
The purpose of  re education is to help us understand a subject in a new way. 

Reeducation  identifies the defective Philosophies, Beliefs, Thoughts, Rules, Values, Fears, doubts, attitudes and Choices that sabotage the efforts to wealth creation and replaces them with effective ones.

Unlike your intelligence quotient (I.Q) weath education upgrades your financial quotient and shows you which quadrant to work from so that you can earn more, pay less taxes legitimately and feel more financially secured than others.

Practical ways to alter your context. 

As you may have learnt up to this point, your context is the core of your life. Therefore head knowledge alone is not enough to alter it.
To light up the fire of transformation therefore Dr Edgar Dale, a researcher advocates the development of an emotional experience with the subject. This maybe achieved  through concrete and real life interaction with the subject matter. 

This approach works for abstract ideas through the explanation effect.
The good news is that having an affair with the material wires your body with the reality. Thats what the The explanation effect  is about. It installs a new version of you so ultimately you can accommodate the reality of every subject which prior to then were unconsciously sidelined. 

Recommended list for financial re-education; 

1. Why A students work for B students by Robert Kiyosaki. 

2. Rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki. 

3. The millionaire next-door by Thomas J. Stanley. 

4. Rich dad's conspiracy of the rich by Robert Kiyosaki. 

5. The millionaire mind by Thomas J Stanley. 


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